Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thoughts on the Death of Jesus

Lord Jesus I read about you yesterday....the way 3 times you felt utterly lost in your humanity....once you just flatout said...."Father let this cup pass" or modern translation..."can I please not suffer and die?...because with you all things are possible." But then you said "never the less....I really want to do what you want not what I want." Then when you hung for hours on the cross you said "my God my God why has thou forsaken me" that was the legitimate question in your heart..."why did you leave me. I can't breath, I am utterly debased..and you my best friend, my Father is silent. You have never acted this way before...." Then you said..."Father ( your eternal best best friends) into your hands I commit my spirit" You just said.."my lover my friend I just give up into your hands." Then finally you just shouted after they crucified and speared inhumane an act ever committed. It really is incomprehensible what you existed before reigned above all, then you created us...your lovely lovely creation..made from your most inner being....and we were alive. Then we were lost, somehow we did not choose the good way you pointed. We were cast into mixed bag of good and evil and death and mortality we know so well. You decided to come and get couldn't change our choice....but you became us, you became lived and walked among even personally became unique friends with those lucky enough to be there at the time. However beyond all this..and I don't understand let them do this unimaginable violence to the bitter death. Thanks oh thanks oh thanks. It was necessary.....