Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mark" Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Kinda funny . He is the very image of God.... And when life is just kicking your ass or the worlds ass God does look like He is peacefully asleep and detached. To me it's always the great question in my limited mind..where the heck is He when things suck. On the other hand with eyes to see He is everywhere . More Mark 4 with random thoughts. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. What else would you expect?These two were drawn to each other like moth to flame. Jesus and sick humanity were made for each other . He fills up sick humanity....he fills it with himself. He takes our brokenness our emptiness our evil demon possession ( ie our crippling deficiencies, addictions, trauma related self destructive habits) and gives us His very being instead..He is all in..He goes all the way holding nothing back..merging the infinite God head with our lost ness. It makes no sense...why would He do this...? We can only guess at the answers..He is all love...but why? Who taught Him that? Why love..why not indifference? Or perhaps because we are made in His image..He sees Himself in us...and as a Father He cannot help Himself.( I like this one). He has to rush to us..... If we saw our young son fall off a bridge..even though it was to our certain death..many of us ( I hope I would.....) would jump in . However God ups the ante...these sons he jumps to a certain death for have turned against Him..despised Him..worshipped themselves and money and sex and power and greed. They kill each other getting these things and actually glorify the violence, psychological and physical it takes to get these things. When He pays us a personal visit in our world we make fun of Him, slap Him around, tell outrageous lies about Him, call Him a devil, strip Him naked and kill Him...( stabbing Him with a spear just in case He might survive it. We treat fish better.

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