Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Start

Well this is a new start to my blog, formally known as GraceJunky. For some reason I simply cannot access my old blog to compose new posts, so I am using this new blog to essentially edit and clean out the old blog. Its saturday morning, labor day weekend. Saturday mornings are some of my favorite times. I usually take a morning swim (I live in California), load up on heavy duty coffee and peanut butter toast and turn on the computer. This morning there is an added benefit, as the US Open tennis tournament is on, and watching tennis is a passion for me. I am a unrepentant multitasker. Playing tennis is a passion also, but my 59 year old knees have almost put me out of that business.

The best part of Saturday mornings is just the sheer gratefulness for life. I like to go to bible gateway (an internet site) and just read a few Psalms. There is just something about the psalms. David (who wrote the psalms) for an ancient religious man, has a pretty good bead on a crucial universal fact. There is a friendly supreme being who cares about him and and who wants to relate to David. David is real passionate about this fact and can't get over it.

 I think I love David because I see myself in him. David makes some selfish bad decisions in His life  that hurt Himself and the people around Him, but he keeps on keeping on. He keeps trusting his God to bail him out and to not turn against him.

Davids passions are not always such a bad thing. He wears his heart on His sleeve and He is not afraid to eloquently express his love for God and His friends and family. He makes questionable decisions to fight giants with slingshots (in the name of his God), but seems to squeeze through.

There are times David gets it completely wrong, in my opinion, when he begs God to destroy his enemies. His direct genetic decendant Jesus ( a decendant from His fling with Bethsheeba), 1000 years later, tells His Father to forgive his crucifiers..they don't know what they are doing.

David also gets it wrong when he claims he is being rewarded by God for the cleanliness of His heart and His righteous ways. People just can't give up that religious outlook! The amazing thing about Grace is that we are blessed despite the uncleanliness of our hearts and our foolish selfish ways.

So thats this mornings thoughts.

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